Driving Under the Influence: Alcohol/Drugs (VC 23152) Per California DUI laws, it is illegal to drive a vehicle with blood alcohol content (BAC) percentages: 0.08% or higher―21 years old or older operating a regular passenger vehicle. 0.04% or higher―operating a commercial vehicle. 0.01% or higher―younger than 21 years old. It is also illegal to drive Read More …

Driving with Suspended License

Driving with Suspended License (VC 14601): It is illegal to drive or operate a vehicle when you know that your license has been suspended or revoked. The most common reasons for suspension or revocation are due to DUI conviction(s), mental or physical disabilities, or the result of negligent driving, placing too many points on your Read More …

Transportation for Sale

Transportation for Sale (HS 11352): In order to be convicted under statute HS 11352, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you either: engaged in transporting, importing, selling, administering or giving away drugs in California, that you knew the drug was in your presence and that it is an illegal substance, and that Read More …


Voluntary Manslaughter: When you kill another person during a sudden quarrel or in the heat of passion, you may be charged under Penal Code 192(a), California’s voluntary manslaughter law. The difference between voluntary manslaughter and first-degree murder is the absence of malice, since the killing is done spontaneously in a voluntary case. If convicted, you Read More …