Juvenile Defense

Juvenile delinquency crimes are any crimes committed by a person under the age of 18 being handled in the Juvenile Court system. The Juvenile Court system seeks to rehabilitate young offenders rather than punish them so it offers a wide range of jail alternatives, including:

  • Treatment programs
  • School-based programs
  • Social service programs
  • Juvenile detention
  • Probation
  • Community service

If your young person is involved with the California juvenile justice system, you need a strong legal advocate on your side to see that your child and your family comes out of this with the best chance for a good future.

We have been representing juveniles facing all types of criminal charges, both in California Juvenile Court and in adult courts, for many years. You won’t find many attorneys with more experience than we have in criminal defense. We’ve represented young people charged with:

  • Theft crimes, including auto theft, joyriding, shoplifting, petty theft, and burglary
  • Trespassing
  • Underage drinking and drunk driving
  • Drug crimes, such as possession of marijuana, possession of meth, possession with intent to sell, and distribution and manufacture of drugs
  • Sex crimes, including date rape, sexual battery, and child molestation
  • Gang-related crimes
  • Weapons offenses
  • Juvenile violent crimes, such as assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, manslaughter or murder

Depending upon the severity of the crime, the young person’s history of criminal offenses and the strength of the case, many young people will find alternatives to jail time available to them.